1. A whipping
  2. Abolition of the ego
  3. Absolute truthfulness
  4. Abundance
  5. Accomplishment
  6. Aditi — The Divine Consciousness
  7. Affection for the Divine
  8. Agni
  9. Air
  10. Alchemy
  11. Aristocracy
  1. Aristocracy of Beauty
  2. Artistic taste
  3. Aspiration for integral immortality
  4. Aspiration for the right attitude
  5. Aspiration for vital purity
  6. Aspiration in the physical for the Divine Love
  7. Aspiration
  8. Aspiration in the physical
  9. Aspiration in the physical for the supramental light
  10. Attachment for the Divine
  11. Awakening of the physical mind
  1. Balance
  2. Balance of the nature in the love for the Divine
  3. Balanced use of the integral power
  4. Beauty in Art
  5. Beauty in collective simplicity
  6. Beauty of supramental love
  7. Beauty of the new creation
  8. Beauty offering itself in the service of the Divine
  1. Beginning of Realisation
  2. Beginning of the Supramental Realisation
  3. Bird of Paradise
  4. Birth of true mental sincerity
  5. Blossoming
  6. Boastfulness
  7. Boldness
  8. Bravery
  9. Broadening of the most material vital
  1. Care
  2. Certitude of victory
  3. Charity
  4. Chastity
  5. Cheerfulness
  6. Clear mind
  7. Collaboration
  8. Common sense
  9. Communion with the Divine
  10. Complexity of the centres
  11. Concentration
  12. Conciliation
  13. Connection between the Light and the physical centre
  1. Conscious vital immortality
  2. Consciousness turned towards the Light
  3. Consciousness turned towards the supramental light
  4. Constant Remembrance of the Divine
  5. Continence
  6. Control
  7. Conversion of the physical
  8. Correct movement in the vital
  9. Correct self-evaluation
  10. Courage
  11. Creative word
  12. Curiosity
  1. Delicacy
  2. Detailed endurance
  3. Detailed obedience
  4. Detailed gratitude
  5. Detailed plasticity
  6. Detailed surrender
  7. Determination
  8. Devotion
  9. Devotional attitude
  10. Dignity
  11. Dignity in the physical
  1. Discipline
  2. Distinction
  3. Distinction of the vital
  4. Divine Ananda
  5. Divine Grace
  6. Divine Knowledge
  7. Divine Love
  8. Divine Love spreading over the world
  9. Divine presence
  10. Divine Sacrifice
  11. Divine smile
  12. Dynamic Power
  1. Effort towards the Truth
  2. Endurance
  3. Endurance of the higher vital
  4. Energy turned towards the Divine
  5. Enthusiasm
  1. Enthusiasm in the higher vital
  2. Enthusiasm in the most material vital
  3. Entire self-giving
  4. Eternal Smile
  5. Eternal youth
  6. Ether
  1. Faith
  2. Faithfulness
  3. Fearlessness
  4. Fearlessness in the vital
  5. Fire
  6. First emergence of the psychic in matter
  7. First mental awakening in matter
  8. First sign of Krishna's light in matter
  1. Flame
  2. Flaming love for the Divine
  3. Formative faculty in the vital
  4. Fortune
  5. Frankness
  6. Friendship with the Divine
  7. Fulfillment
  8. Future supramental centre
  1. Generosity
  2. Generosity in the physical
  3. Gentleness
  4. Godhead
  1. Gold
  2. Gossip
  3. Gratitude
  4. Greed for money
  1. Happy heart
  2. Harmony
  3. Health
  4. Help
  5. Human passions changed into love for the Divine
  1. Humility
  2. Humility before the Divine in the physical nature
  3. Humility in the love for the Divine
  4. Hygenic organisation
  1. Imagination
  2. Integral attachment for the Divine
  3. Integral conversion
  4. Integral courage
  5. Integral endurance
  6. Integral enthusiasm
  7. Integral even basis in the physical
  8. Integral gratitude
  9. Integral harmony
  10. Integral immortality
  11. Integral intimacy with the Divine
  12. Integral love for the Divine
  13. Integral mental purity
  14. Integral offering
  15. Integral offering of the vital
  16. Integral opening of the being towards the Divine
  17. Integral opening to the light
  18. Integral organisation
  1. Integral prayer
  2. Integral progress
  3. Integral psychological perfection
  4. Integral Purity
  5. Integral receptivity
  6. Integral renunciation of the vital desires
  7. Integral revelation
  8. Integral silence
  9. Integral simplicity
  10. Integral solace
  11. Integral tapasya
  12. Integral thoroughness
  13. Integral transparency
  14. Integral trust in the Divine
  15. Integral Wealth of Mahalakshmi
  16. Integral wisdom
  17. Intimacy with the Divine in the psychic
  18. Intimacy with the Divine in the vital
  1. Joy in Fairy Land
  2. Joy of integral faithfulness
  3. Joy of integral peace
  4. Joy of spirituality
  5. Joy of Vegetal Nature in answer to the New Light
  1. Joyous enthusiasm in the most material vital
  2. Joyous integral enthusiasm
  3. Joyous physical enthusiasm
  4. Joyous psychic enthusiasm
  1. Krishna's ananda
  2. Krishna's influence in the subconscient
  3. Krishna's integral play
  4. Krishna's light in the mind
  5. Krishna's light in the Overmind
  1. Krishna's light in the physical mind
  2. Krishna's light in the senses
  3. Krishna's light in the subconscient
  4. Krishna's light in the vital
  5. Krishna's play in matter
  6. Krishna's play in the vital
  1. Lasting remembrance
  2. Life Energy
  3. Life energy in the vital
  4. Light
  5. Light in Fairy Land
  1. Light in the blood
  2. Light in the vital
  3. Light of the purified power
  4. Lightness
  5. Logic in thoughts
  6. Loving surrender
  1. Mahasaraswati's Perfection in Works
  2. Manifold endurance
  3. Manifold Generosity
  4. Manifold protection
  5. Manifold receptivity
  6. Mastery
  7. Material abundance
  8. Material enterprises
  9. Matter prepares itself to receive the supramental
  10. Matter under the supramental guidance
  11. Mental aspiration
  12. Mental attachment for the Divine
  13. Mental balance
  14. Mental boldness
  15. Mental cheerfulness
  16. Mental curiosity
  17. Mental endurance
  18. Mental goodwill
  19. Mental gratitude
  1. Mental honesty
  2. Mental love for the Divine
  3. Mental love under the psychic influence
  4. Mental opening
  5. Mental plasticity
  6. Mental prayer
  7. Mental promise
  8. Mental purity
  9. Mental receptivity
  10. Mental simplicity
  11. Mental sincerity
  12. Mental spirit of imitation
  13. Mental suggestions of organization
  14. Mental surrender
  15. Mental tapasya
  16. Mental trust in the Divine
  17. Mental voice
  18. Miracle
  19. Modesty
  20. Multitude
  1. Nature makes an offering of her beauty
  2. Nature's hope for realisation
  1. Never tell a lie
  2. New birth
  3. Nobility
  1. Obedience
  2. Occultism
  3. Offering of the physical
  4. Opening of the material vital to the light
  1. Opening of the physical to the Divine Love
  2. Opening to Sri Aurobindo's Force
  3. Organisation
  4. Organised teamwork
  1. Passion
  2. Patience
  3. Peace
  4. Peace in the cells
  5. Peace in the physical
  6. Peace in the vital
  7. Peace of integral faithfulness
  8. Perfect mental balance
  9. Perfect mental purity
  10. Perfect obedience
  11. Perfect psychic balance
  12. Perfect quietness in the mind
  13. Perfect radiating purity
  14. Perfect surrender
  15. Perseverance
  16. Physical aspiration for immortality
  17. Physical Boldness
  18. Physical centre
  19. Physical consciousness entirely turned towards the Divine
  20. Physical continuity
  21. Physical curiosity
  22. Physical endurance
  23. Physical enthusiasm
  24. Physical protection
  25. Physical receptivity
  26. Physical thoroughness
  27. Plasticity
  28. Poet's Ecstasy
  29. Power of Beauty
  30. Power of expression
  31. Power of integral purity
  32. Power of mental expression
  33. Power of physical expression
  1. Power of psychic expression
  2. Power of the psychic consciousness
  3. Power of the supramental consciousness
  4. Power of vital expression
  5. Pride
  6. Primitive succulece
  7. Progress
  8. Prosperity
  9. Protection
  10. Protection of the gods
  11. Psychic aspiration
  12. Psychic balance
  13. Psychic centre
  14. Psychic endurance
  15. Psychic enthusiasm
  16. Psychic generosity
  17. Psychic influence in the emotions
  18. Psychic light in the physical movements
  19. Psychic light in the subconscient
  20. Psychic offering
  21. Psychic power in existence
  22. Psychic prayer
  23. Psychic Protection
  24. Psychic receptivity
  25. Psychic soaring of nature
  26. Psychic thoroughness
  27. Psychic transparency
  28. Psychic work
  29. Psycho-physical generosity
  30. Psychological Perfection
  31. Pure spiritual surrender
  32. Purifed gold
  33. Purity
  1. Quiet mind
  1. Radha's consciousness
  2. Radha's consciousness in the vital
  3. Radiating purity
  4. Realisation
  5. Reason
  6. Receptivity
  1. Refinement of habits
  2. Regularity
  3. Remembrance of Sri Aurohindo
  4. Renunciation of vital desires
  5. Renunciation of desires
  6. Resolution
  7. Riches
  1. Satchidananda
  2. Seeking the light in the lower vital
  3. Service
  4. Sharp tongue
  5. Silence
  6. Silence in the vital
  7. Silver
  8. Simple sincerity
  9. Simplicity
  10. Skill in physical work
  11. Skill in psychic work
  12. Skill in vital work
  13. Skill of integral work
  14. Smile of beauty
  15. Smile of Nature
  16. Solace
  17. Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness
  18. Spiritual aspiration in the physical
  19. Spiritual atmosphere
  20. Spiritual Happiness
  21. Spiritual perfume
  22. Spiritual success
  23. Spontaneous joy of nature
  24. Sri Aurobindo's compassion
  25. Steadfast vitality
  26. Steadfastness
  1. Straightforwardness
  2. Striving towards integral wisdom
  3. Success in supramental works
  4. Success in the most material vital
  5. Successful future
  6. Sun Drop
  7. Superhumanity
  8. Supralnentalized plasticity
  9. Supramental attachment for the Divine
  10. Supramental beauty in the physical
  11. Supramental bird
  12. Supramental immortality
  13. Supramental influence
  14. Supramental Influence in the Subconscient
  15. Supramental riches
  16. Supramental rain
  17. Supramental Sun
  18. Supramentalized endurance
  19. Supramentalized life energy
  20. Supramentalized mental dignity
  21. Supramentalized psychological perfection
  22. Supramentalized receptivity
  23. Supramentalized vital transparency
  24. Surrender
  25. Sweetness of thought exclusively turned towards the Divine
  26. Sweetness
  1. Tapasya
  2. The Avatar
  3. The body-consciousness undergoing the supramental transformation
  4. The New Creation
  5. The Perfect new creation
  6. The perfect path
  7. The vital governed by the presence
  8. Thirst for perfection
  9. Thoroughness
  1. Thoughts turned towards the Divine
  2. Timidity in attachment for the Divine
  3. To know how to listen
  4. To know what is to be said
  5. Touch me Not
  6. Transformation
  7. Transparency
  8. Transparency in the physical
  9. Transparency of the emotive vital
  10. True worship
  11. Trust in the Divine
  1. Unconditional integral offering
  1. Unmanifested Divine Love
  2. Unselfishness
  1. Vanity
  2. Victory
  3. Vital aspiration for immortality
  4. Vital attachment for the divine
  5. Vital consecration
  6. Vital courage
  7. Vital endurance
  8. Vital enthusiasm
  1. Vital fantasy
  2. Vital immortality
  3. Vital Joy in matter
  4. Vital protection
  5. Vital receptivity
  6. Vital sensitivity
  7. Vital thoroughness
  8. Vital transparency
  1. Water
  2. Wealth
  1. Will one with the Divine Will
  2. Without Grief
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