Goto main contents

ENG --- Savitri (original text)
ENG RUS Savitri (Michael Dmitriev's translation)
ENG RUS Savitri (Leonid Ovanesbekov's 1st translation)
ENG RUS Savitri (Leonid Ovanesbekov's 2nd translation)
ENG RUS Savitri (Leonid Ovanesbekov's 3rd translation)
--- RUS Savitri (Dmitry Melgunov's translation)
--- RUS Savitri (Vitaliy Bednik's translation)
--- RUS Savitri - audio book of Igor Zhigunov, Ekaterina Smirnova
--- RUS Savitri (Igor Goryachev's translation)
--- RUS Savitri (The "Savitri" group from Tashkent translations)
--- RUS Savitri (N.N.Vasilyev's translation)
--- RUS Savitri (Anna Churikova's translation)
--- RUS Savitri (translation by Sergey Gr.)
--- RUS Savitri (translation by Nikolay Antipov)
--- RUS Savitri (translation by Anatoly Dyachenko)
ENG RUS Shraddhavan, "English of Savitri" (Translation by Sergey Gr.)
ENG --- The Synthesis of Yoga (in English)
--- RUS The Synthesis of Yoga (translation by Dorofeev, Nalivina)
ENG RUS The Synthesis of Yoga (translation by Leonid Ovanesbekov)
--- RUS The Synthesis of Yoga (translation by Igor Savenkov)
--- RUS The Synthesis of Yoga (translation by Anna Tchurikova)
ENG RUS The Life Divine (translation by Igor Savenkov)
ENG --- The Secret of the Veda (in English)
--- RUS The Secret of the Veda (translation by M.L.Salganik)
ENG RUS The Secret of the Veda (translation by M.Dmitriev)
--- RUS Rig Veda, vol 1 (translation by M.Dmitriev)
--- RUS Hymns for Mystic Fire (translation by M.L.Salganik)
--- RUS Isha Upanishad (translation by A.Tkachev)
--- RUS Upanishads. Kena and others.
ENG RUS The Upanishads, second translation by Leonid Ovanesbekov
--- RUS Spiritual rebirth. Works in Bengal
--- RUS The Foundation Of Indian Culture (translation by M.Salganik, V.Kostuchenko)
--- RUS Gita Essays, I and II
--- RUS The Secret Of Gita (translation by A.Shevchenko)
ENG --- Letters On Yoga in English
--- RUS Letters On Yoga (translation by M.Dmitriev)
--- RUS Letters On Yoga (translation by S.Shebarshev)
--- RUS Letters On Yoga (translation by A.Bochkarev, A.Velichenko)
--- RUS About Himself (translation by A.A.Suvorov)
ENG RUS Thoughts and Aphorisms (translation by Volamur)
ENG RUS Thoughts and Aphorisms (translation by Leonid Ovanesbekov)
ENG RUS Thoughts and Aphorisms (translation by self-publish)
ENG RUS Thoughts and Aphorisms (translation by A.Shevchenko)
ENG RUS Thoughts and Aphorisms (translation by four authors)
ENG RUS Letters on 'Savitri'
ENG RUS "A Talk of the Mother on 'Savitri'"
--- RUS Rand Hicks, "Dictionary of Savitri"
ENG --- The Future Evolution of Man
ENG --- The Bhagavad Gita, paraphrase/translation
ENG RUS The Mother (in English)
--- RUS The Mother (translation by V.G. Baranov and Andrej Sevcenko)
--- RUS The Mother (translation by O.Safronov)
--- RUS The Mother (translation by Golden Futuris)
ENG --- The Mother (The Mother reads this book in English)
--- RUS Essays Divine and Human (translation by Leonid Ovanesbekov)
--- RUS Hour of God (translation by Sergey Shebarshev)
--- RUS From Man to Superman (translation by Sergey Shebarshev)
--- RUS From Man to Superman (translation by Leonid Ovanesbekov)
ENG RUS The Ideal of Human Unity
--- RUS Essays of the Karmayogin/a> (translation by Leonid Ovanesbekov)
--- RUS Yogic and its Objects (translation V.G.Baranov and A.A.Shevchenko)
--- RUS Yogic and its Objects (translation Leonid Ovanesbekov)
--- RUS Writings from the Arya, vol 1 and vol 2 (translation Leonid Ovanesbekov)
--- RUS The Problem of Rebirth (translation by unknown author)
--- RUS The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth (translation by unknown author)
--- RUS The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth (translation Leonid Ovanesbekov)
ENG --- The Human Cycle (In English)
--- RUS The Human Cycle (translation publishing house "New Age")
--- RUS The Human Cycle (translation by A.Shevchenko)
--- RUS The Origins of Aryan Speech (translation by Michael Dmitriev)
ENG --- "Sapta Chatusthaya" (In English)
--- RUS "Sapta Chatusthaya" (translation by Tatyana Rogacheva)
ENG RUS "Sapta Chatusthaya" (translation by Leonid Ovanesbekov)
ENG --- "Record of Yoga" (In English)
--- RUS "Record of Yoga" (translation by Tatyana Rogacheva)
--- RUS "Record of Yoga" (translation by Nikolay Antipov)
--- RUS "Record of Yoga" (translation by Leonid Ovanesbekov)
ENG --- Glossary for "Record of Yoga" (In English)
--- RUS Glossary for "Record of Yoga" (translation by Tatyana Rogacheva)
--- RUS Glossary for "Record of Yoga" (translation by Leonid Ovanesbekov)
--- RUS Summary Glossary Integral Yoga terms (translation by Leonid Ovanesbekov)
ENG RUS Poems of Sri Aurobindo
ENG RUS Poem "Ilion", Igor Goryachev's translation
ENG RUS Poem "Ilion", Leonid Ovanesbekov's translation
--- RUS stage play "Perseus The Deliverer"
--- RUS stage play "Eric"
ENG RUS Yogic Sadhana
--- RUS "The Integral Yoga"
ENG RUS "The Riddle of the World"
--- RUS "Psychic Being" translation into Russian by Igor Savenkov and Oleg Safronov
ENG RUS "Psychic Being" translation into Russian by Leonid Ovanesbekov
ENG --- Emergence Of The Psychic (in English)
--- RUS Emergence Of The Psychic (translation into Russian by Leonid Ovanesbekov)
ENG RUS "Bases of Yoga"
--- RUS "Supramental Transformation"
--- RUS "Mission Accomplished"
--- RUS "Rays of Light"
ENG --- "Yoganga Sapta Chatusthaya"
--- RUS Bibliography of the Works of Sri Aurobindo
--- RUS Agenda
FRE --- Agenda
ENG --- Agenda
--- RUS Prayers and Meditations, 1912-1937
--- RUS Questions and Answers, 1930-1931
--- RUS Questions and Answers, 1955, vol 7
--- RUS Questions and Answers, 1956, vol 8
--- RUS Questions and Answers, 1957-1958, vol 9
ENG RUS On Thoughts And Aphorisms, vol 10
ENG RUS Notes On The Way, 1965-1973, vol 11
--- RUS On Education
--- RUS About Dhammapada
--- RUS Tales of All Times
--- RUS La Mere raconte translation from french Nina Kucher
--- RUS Flowers
PHOTOS catalogue of the flowers' photo
ENG RUS "A Talk of the Mother on 'Savitri'"
--- RUS The Sunlit Path
ENG RUS Sri Aurobindo, or The Adventure of Consciousness
--- RUS The Sannyasin
--- RUS Mother, or Divine Materialism, (Book I)
--- RUS Mother, or The New Species, (Book II)
--- RUS Mother, or Death Mutation, (Book III)
--- RUS Rebellious Letters
--- RUS My Burning Heart
--- RUS Evolution II
ENG RUS Life Without Death
--- RUS Gringo
--- RUS The Gold Washer
ENG RUS La Genese Du Surhomme (On the Way to Supermanhood)
--- RUS La Clef des Contes
--- RUS The Revolt of the Earth
--- RUS The Tragedy of the Earth
--- RUS The Mind of Cells
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 1, translation by Sergey Andreev
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 2, translation by Sergey Andreev
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, compilation, translation by Igor Goryachev
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 3, translation by Igor Goryachev, Nina Kucher
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 4, translation by Igor Goryachev, Nina Kucher
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 5, translation by Igor Goryachev, Nina Kucher
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 5, translation by Alexander Steklyannikov
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 6, translation by Igor Goryachev, Nina Kucher
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 6, translation by Alexander Steklyannikov
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 7, translation by Igor Goryachev, Nina Kucher
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 7, translation by Alexander Steklyannikov
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 8, translation by Igor Goryachev, Nina Kucher
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 8, translation by Alexander Steklyannikov
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 9, translation by Igor Goryachev, Nina Kucher
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 9, translation by Alexander Steklyannikov
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 10, translation by Igor Goryachev, Nina Kucher
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 10, translation by Alexander Steklyannikov
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 11, translation by Igor Goryachev, Nina Kucher
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 11, translation by Alexander Steklyannikov
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 12, translation by Igor Goryachev, Nina Kucher
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 12, translation by Alexander Steklyannikov
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 13, translation by Igor Goryachev, Nina Kucher
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 13, translation by Alexander Steklyannikov
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 14, translation by Igor Goryachev, Nina Kucher
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 14, translation by Alexander Steklyannikov
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 15, translation by Nina Kucher
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 15, translation by Alexander Steklyannikov
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 16, translation by Nina Kucher
--- RUS Notebooks of an Apocalypse, Book 16, translation by Alexander Steklyannikov
--- RUS The Legend of the Future
--- RUS Philosophy of Love
--- RUS The Doel Bird
--- RUS Memories Patagonien
--- RUS Mother's Log
--- RUS Kireet Joshi, "Satprem and Sujata Tributes"
--- RUS Neanderthal Regarde (Neanderthal Looks On)
--- RUS The Great Sense
--- RUS Sri Aurobindo and the Future of Earth
--- RUS J.K. Mukherjee, "Sri Aurobindo or Destiny Of The Body"
--- RUS Pavitra, "Sri Aurobindo. Conversations avec Pavitra"
--- RUS Pavitra, "Talks Sri Aurobindo and Mother with Pavitra"
ENG RUS Purani, "Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo"
--- RUS Nirodbaran, "Twelve years with Sri Aurobindo"
--- RUS Nokolay Antipov, Essays about the "Record of Yoga" of Sri Aurobindo
--- RUS Sujata Nahar, Mother's Chronicles, Book 1,Mirra
--- RUS Sujata Nahar, Mother's Chronicles, Book 3, Mirra The Occultist
--- RUS Sujata Nahar, Little drawings of my sweet, Vol 1
--- RUS Pournaprema, A Unique Little Girl
--- RUS Sri Bhattachardji Gopal, "Lections"
--- RUS "Dictionary of Savitri"
--- RUS "The Passing of Sri Aurobindo"
--- RUS "Glossary of Sri Aurobindo's terms"
--- RUS Set of books-compilations edited by Vijey
--- RUS interview book, "Auroville: step toward the dream"
Art of Devotees:
--- RUS "N.Kletsov, "Poems"
GIF JPG Photo collection
ENG --- "Upanishads 108" first translations from Sanskrit to English by various authors
ENG RUS "Isha Upanishad" Second translation by Leonid Ovanesbekov
ENG RUS "Kena Upanishad" Second translation by Leonid Ovanesbekov
--- RUS Khalil Gibran, "The Prophet"
--- RUS Carlos Castaneda
--- RUS Lao Cay, "Dao De Dzin"
--- RUS Nisargadatta Maharaj 1973 "I am That"
--- RUS Nisargadatta Maharaj 1981 "Consciousness and the Absolute"
--- RUS Robert Svoboda 1986 "Aghora. At the Left Hand of God"
--- RUS Robert Svoboda 1993 "Aghora II. Kundalini"
--- RUS Robert Svoboda 1997 "Aghora III. The Law of Karma"
--- RUS Dzhiddu Krishnamurti

Start page
Collection of materials on Integral Yoga
e-mail: Leonid Ovanesbekov <>

1997 Jan 26 Su — 2024 Aug 30 Fr