Collection of materials on Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo: News

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Sri Aurobindo Integral Yoga Group
(Presenter - Sokolov Viktor Ivanovich)
invites you to classes at 2024-2025 season.
Classes are held on Fridays, from 18:30 to 21:30,
include: lecture, meditation,
analysis of Sri Aurobindo’s poem "Savitri", meditation.
The first lesson of this season will be at October 4, 2024.
See Classes for more information.


The Group of Conscious Spiritual Evolution at Moscow
(header - Alexander Vasilyevich Kluev)
begin a new cycle of evening talks
in this season from October 2023.
See for details web-site:

2024 July 14 Su

·   In the publishing house BookBox translation of the compilation book has been published
Sri Aurobindo, Mother, "Psychic Being" translated by Leonid Ovanesbekov.
The book is sold on marketplaces - WILDBERRIES, OZON and other sites.

For details on how to buy, see here.

2024 June 13 Th
·   The Sri Aurobindo's book "Writings from the Arya, vol 1" has been added, translated into Russian by Leonid Ovanesbekov, 276 pages.
This is chapters 1-6 from part 3 of volume 13 of the collected works of Sri Aurobindo CWSA.

2024 Apr 27 Sa
·   The Sri Aurobindo's book "The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth" has been added, translated into Russian by Leonid Ovanesbekov, 158 pages.
This is part 5 of volume 13 of the collected works of Sri Aurobindo CWSA.

2024 Apr 10 We
·   The third part of poems by Sri Aurobindo appeared, translated by Anna Churikova.
·   In Anna Churikova's translation of Sri Aurobindo's book "Yoga Synthesis" Introduction has been added.

2024 Mar 23 Sa
·   An essay by Sri Aurobindo appeared "The Yoga and its Objects" has been added, translated into Russian by Leonid Ovanesbekov, 76 pages.
This is part 2 of volume 13 of the collected works of Sri Aurobindo CWSA.

2024 Mar 14 Th
·   A collection of essays by Sri Aurobindo appeared "Essays from the Karmayogin Magazine" translated into Russian by Leonid Ovanesbekov, 127 pages.
This is part 1 of volume 13 of the collected works of Sri Aurobindo CWSA.

2024 Mar 07 Th
·   A compilation book on the works of Sri Aurobindo and Mother has appeared "Emergency Of The Psychic", editor Dr. A.S. Dalal, translated by Leonid Ovanesbekov, 238 pages.

2024 Feb 14 We
·   It appeared the Sri Aurobindo's essays book "From Man to Superman" in translations into Russian by Leonid Ovanesbekov, 335 pages.

2024 Feb 06 Tu
·   Appeared the book of Sri Aurobindo, "The Ideal of Human Unity"
in translation by Igor Safenkov, 258 pages.

2024 Feb 01 Th
·   A compilation book on the works of Sri Aurobindo has appeared "Integral Yoga, Sri Aurobindo's Teachings and Practical Method", translated by Sergei Shebarshov, 218 pages.

2024 Jan 31 We
·     It is appeared the Satprem's book "Lettres et Messages vers le Nouveau Monde", 2020, at Nina Kucher translation into Russian, 323 pages.

2023 Dec 30 Sa
·   A new, complete edition of the translation of Sri Aurobindo's book has appeared "Essays on the Divine and Human", translated by Leonid Ovanesbekov, 294 pages.
Contains a translation of the first and third parts from volume 12 of collected works.
The previous version of the translation has been deleted.

2023 Dec 24 Su
·   Another version of the translation of the compilation book of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother has appeared "Psychic Being", compilations by Dr. A.S.Dalal, translated by Leonid Ovanesbekov, 199 pages.

2023 Dec 24 Su
·   Summary Glossary of Integral Yoga Terms has appeared translated by Leonid Ovanesbekov, 3240 terms, 199 pages.
based on Glossary of Sanskrit terms for "The Yoga Diary" by Richard Hartz, with additions from other sources

2023 Dec 01 Fri
·   A translation of Christopher Isherwood's book has appeared in the "Nearby or Akin Ways" section "Ramakrishna and His Disciples", translated by M.L. Salganik, 198 pages.

2023 Oct 23 Mo
·   It is appeared five new Satprem's books in translation by Alexander Steklyannikov:
·   "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 13, 342 pages,
·   "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 14, 325 pages,
·   "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 15, 249 pages,
·   "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 16, 251 pages,
·   "The Tragedy Of The Earth", 157 pages.
  Translations by Alexander Steklyannikov can be viewed on his page at

2023 Oct 22 Su
·   A translation of the compilation book Mother, "Rays of Light" has been published.
For information on how to buy this book, please contact us by mail (Larisa Arkadyevna)
or to the online store Rose of the World.

2023 Oct 21 Sat
·   On this news page it was decided to publish news about the publication new printed books on Integral Yoga.

2023 Aug 15 Tu
·   A collection of essays by Sri Aurobindo appeared "God's Hour", translated by Sergei Shebarshov, 82 pages.

2023 Aug 05 Sa
·   The 7th book of Sri Aurobindo’s poem Ilion appeared; translation by Leonid Ovanesbekov, 21 pages.

2023 July 30 Su
·   In the third translation of Leonid Ovanesbekov's poem by Sri Aurobindo "Savitri" edited cantos 4-4..6-2.

2023 June 25 Su
·   A book by Yuri Moskalev appeared with translations of Sri Aurobindo's poems and Thoughts and Aphorisms.
It is located in two places - under Poems of Sri Aurobindo and Thoughts and Aphorisms.

2023 Apr 08 Sa
·   In Anna Churikova's translation of Sri Aurobindo's book "Yoga Synthesis" Part II has been added.
·   Anna Churikova's unfinished translation of Sri Aurobindo's book appeared "Essay on the Gita" chapters 1-12.

2023 Apr 02 Su
·   Translated by Leonid Ovanesbekov "Synthesis of Yoga" Sri Aurobindo has laid out the last chapters of part 4 and the translation is complete, total 76 + 315 + 352 + 98 + 497 = 1338 pages.

2023 Mar 26 Su
·   It is appeared the Mother's book "Notes On The Way, 1965-1973", at Sergey Shebarshov's translation into Russian, 160 pages.

2022 Nov 17 Th
·   In an incomplete translation of Nikolai Antipov Sri Aurobindo’s poems Savitri 6 new cantoes appeared.

2022 Nov 04 Fr
·   Unfinished translation of O. Shekhovtsova's poem by Sri Aurobindo "Savitri" has been removed at the request of the author.

2022 Oct 08 Sa
·     Reorganization of the list of works in the section "Mother"
synchronously with the CWMSE (COLLECTED WORKS OF THE MOTHER, Second Edition, 2003).

2022 Aug 31 We
·     It is appeared the Satprem's book "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 16
at Nina Kucher translation into Russian, 166 pages.

2022 July 25 Mo
·   Anna Tchurikova's unfinished translation of Sri Aurobindo's book appeared "The Synthesis of Yoga", 163 pages.

2022 July 05 Tu
·   Igor Savenkov's unfinished translation of Sri Aurobindo's book appeared "The Synthesis of Yoga", 310 pages.

2022 June 26 Su
·   Translated by Leonid Ovanesbekov "The Synthesis of Yoga" Sri Aurobindo completed part 2 and part 3, revised the introduction and three chapters of part 4.

2022 Apr 10 Su
·   Due to the fact that Mikhail Dmitriev had passed away from life,
all content of his site moved to
partial mirror is open until August, but it will not be possible to save it further.
New links: to the top level page, on Russian language page.
Internal content and relative links remain unchanged.

2022 Feb 13 Su
·   In the third translation of Leonid Ovanesbekov's poem by Sri Aurobindo "Savitri" edited volume I (1531 corrections).

2022 Feb 12 Sa
·     It is appeared the Satprem's book "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 15/a>
at Nina Kucher translation into Russian, 169 pages.

2022 Jan 14 Fr
·   Satprem's compilation book appeared
"Mother's Logs" (Agenda summary) translated by Sergei Shebarshov.

2021 Aug 01 Su
·   Translated by Leonid Ovanesbekov "The Synthesis of Yoga" Sri Aurobindo added 6 chapters (2-07 - 2-12).

2021 Nov 04 Th
·   It was appeared new refs to 3 books in section BOOKS OF DEVOTEES ABOUT THE POEM 'SAVITRI'.

2021 Sept 18 Sa
·   A new section has been added - BOOKS OF DEVOTEES ABOUT THE POEM 'SAVITRI' - 91 books !!
Books in English. Links taken from .
·   In the section - DEVOTEES MATERIALS made a more concise format,

2021 Aug 06 Fr
·   In the translation of O. Shekhovtsova's poem by Sri Aurobindo Savitri 5 cantoes from Book II were added.

2021 Aug 01 Su
·   Translated by Leonid Ovanesbekov "The Synthesis of Yoga" Sri Aurobindo completed Part I, The Book of Divine Work.

2021 June 28 Mo
·   Another version of Satprem's book has appeared "La Genese Du Surhomme" translated from French by Nina Kucher.

2021 March 14 Su
·   Completed work on Glossary to the Record of Yoga Sri Aurobindo translated by Leonid Ovanesbekov, 3014 terms

2020 Aug 16 Su
·   It is appeared Satprem's book "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 11 translation by Alexander Steklyannikov.

2020 July 26 Su
·   The poem by Sri Aurobindo "Savitri" appeared, translated by O. Shekhovtsova, book I.

2020 July 23 Th
·   It is appeared J.K.Mykherjee's book "Sri Aurobindo or Destiny of the Body", translation by G.Shehovtceva.

2020 July 23 Th
·   It is appeared Sri Aurobindo's book "Yogic Sadhan", translation by Vladimir Krivchenok.

2020 July 16 Th
·   It is appeared Satprem's book "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 11 translation by Alexander Steklyannikov.

2020 June 22 Mo
·   The "Record of Yoga" Sri Aurobindo has appeared, translated by Leonid Ovanesbekov.
The translation is incomplete, 99 pages.
·   The Glossary for the "Record of Yoga" Sri Aurobindo has appeared, translated by Leonid Ovanesbekov.
·   Translated by Leonid Ovanesbekov "The Synthesis of Yoga" Sri Aurobindo added 5 chapters.

2020 May 22 Fr
·   Mother's book appeared La Mere raconte, Vol 1 and Vol 2 translated by Nina Kucher.

2020 May 11 Mo
·   The second part of poems by Sri Aurobindo appeared, translated by Anna Churikova.
·   The section "Creativity of students" has been renamed to the section "Creativity of authors-translators of the site".
·   A collection of poems by Anna Churikova has been added to the section "Creativity of authors-translators of the site" Cloud Traveler..

2020 Apr 25 Sa
·   There was a continuation of the translation of Sergey Gr. Sri Aurobindo’s poems "Savitri", book III.
·   There was a continuation of the translation of Sergey Gr. Shraddhavan Books "English of Savitri"
with commentaries and analysis of Sri Aurobindo’s poem "Savitri", book III.

2020 Apr 11 Sa
·  There was a description of the Sri Aurobindo Integral Yoga system "Sapta Chatustaya" translated by Leonid Ovanesbekov
with translation of the words in Sanskrit. ·   There was a link to the translation of the same material by Tatyana Rogacheva..

2020 Apr 11 Sa
·   There was a link to the incomplete translation of Nikolai Antipov Sri Aurobindo’s poems Savitri (30 cantoes out of 49).

2020 Apr 01 We
·   An essay by Nikolai Antipov appeared "Again on Sri Aurobindo's Diaries (collection of scripts)."

2020 Apr 01 We
·   An essay by Nikolai Antipov appeared "The Age of Kali behind the doors of Kali-yuga is about Sh.A. Diaries."

2020 Mar 28 Sa
·   An incomplete translation of Sergey Gr. Shraddhavan Books "English of Savitri"
with commentaries and analysis of Sri Aurobindo’s poem "Savitri" (1 book of 12).

2020 Mar 28 Sa
·   An incomplete translation of Sergey Gr. Sri Aurobindo’s poems "Savitri"
(1 book out of 12).

2020 Mar 22 Su
·   The third translation of Leonid Ovanesbekov appeared Sri Aurobindo’s poems Savitri
(together with the translation of unused passages).

2020 Jan 30 Th
·     It is appeared the Satprem's book "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 14/a>
at Igor Goryachev and Nina Kucher translation into Russian.

2020 Jan 26 Su
·   There was a link to the translation of Sri Aurobindo's diaries -
"Record of Yoga", 1912 translated by Nikolai Antipov.
·   There was a link to the translation of Sri Aurobindo's diaries - "Record of Yoga", 1913 translated by Nikolai Antipov.
·   There was a link to the translation of Sri Aurobindo's diaries - "Record of Yoga", 1914 translated by Nikolai Antipov.
·   There was a link to the translation of Sri Aurobindo's diaries - "Record of Yoga", 1915-1917 translated by Nikolai Antipov.
·   There was a link to the translation of Sri Aurobindo's diaries - "Record of Yoga", 1918-1920 translated by Nikolai Antipov.
·   There was a link to the translation of Sri Aurobindo's diaries - "Record of Yoga", 1926-1927 translated by Nikolai Antipov.
·   Появился Глоссарий для дневников Шри Ауробиндо - translated by T. Rogacheva.

2020 янв 26 вс
·   We introduce new designations - REF-HTML , REF-PICT for materials whose authors continue
work on your translation and it’s more convenient for them to link to their URL, rather than to a copy on our website..

2020 Jan 19 su
·   There was a link to an audio book based on Sri Aurobindo’s poem "Savitri"
recorded by Igor Zhigunov and Ekaterina Smirnova .

2019 Dec 23 Mo
·   It is appeared Satprem's book "Sri Aurobindo or Adventure Of Consciousness" translation by Anna Tchurikova.

2019 Dec 23 Mo
·   It is appeared new small chapter Sri Aurobindo, single letters, papers, speeches .

2019 Dec 22 Su
·   It is appeared Satprem's book "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 10 translation by Alexander Steklyannikov.

2019 Dec 18 We
·   The 6th book of Sri Aurobindo’s poem Ilion appeared; translation by Leonid Ovanesbekov.

2019 дек 15 вс
·   It is appeared Sri Aurobindo's book "The Secret of the Gita", translation by Andrej Sevcenko.

2019 Dec 09 Mo
·   It is appeared Satprem's book "Sri Aurobindo or Adventure Of Consciousness" translation by Igor Savenkov.

2019 Dec 09 Mo
·   It is appeared Sri Aurobindo's book "The Secret of the Veda" translation by Michael Dmitriev.

2019 Dec 09 Mo
·   It is appeared Sri Aurobindo's book "The Origins Of Aryan Speech" translation by Michael Dmitriev.

2019 Dec 08 Su
·   It is appeared Satprem's book "Rebellious Letters", Book 1 and 2 translation by Alexander Steklyannikov.

2019 Dec 01 Su
·   It is appeared Satprem's book "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 5 translation by Alexander Steklyannikov.
·   It is appeared Satprem's book "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 6 translation by Alexander Steklyannikov.
·   It is appeared Satprem's book "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 7 translation by Alexander Steklyannikov.
·   It is appeared Satprem's book "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 8 translation by Alexander Steklyannikov.
·   It is appeared Satprem's book "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 9 translation by Alexander Steklyannikov.

2019 Sept 22 Su
·   It is appeared an incomplete Leonid Ovanesbekov’s translation of Sri Aurobindo's book "The Synthesis of Yoga" .

2019 Sept 22 Su
·   Andrey Shevchenko's translation of Sri Aurobindo’s book appeared "Thoughts And Aphorisms".
·   Leonid Ovanesbekov's translation of Sri Aurobindo’s book appeared "Thoughts And Aphorisms".
·   There was a simultaneous translation of four authors of the book of Sri Aurobindo "Thoughts And Aphorisms".

2019 Sept 09 Su
·   The structure of the site has changed a bit.
Previously, we placed only translations that are in electronic form.
However, there are many good translations that exist only in the form of books,
therefore, they decided to add links to book publications to the site.

2019 Apr 28 Su
·   It is appeared book-compilation
"Mission Accomplished", at Igor Goryachev and Nina Kucher translation into Russian.

2019 Apr 28 Su
·   It is appeared book-compilation
"Rays of Light", at Igor Goryachev and Nina Kucher translation into Russian.

2019 Apr 14 Su
·   It was renewed Sri Aurobindo's poems compilation , in Anna Tchurikova's translation.

2018 Aug 29 We
·   It is appeared new section: CLOSE OR RELATED WAYS.
In that section wass added:
hyperlink to translation of Bhagavat-Gita,
2 books of Sri Ramakrishna,
8 books of Swami Vivekananda,
4 books of Jiddu Krishnamurti,
4 books of Alexander Klyuev.

2018 June 19 Tu
·   It is appeared book-compilation
"Supramental Transformation", at Igor Goryachev and Nina Kucher translation into Russian.

2018 May 31 Th
·   At Leonid Ovanesbekov's second translation of the Sri Aurobindo's poem "Savitri" updated cantoes 3-1, 3-2, 5-3, from 7-1 to 10-4.

2018 Apr 22 Su
·   It was renewed Sri Aurobindo's poems compilation , in Anna Tchurikova's translation.

2018 Feb 17 Sa
·   It is appeared the Pournaprema's book
"A Unique Little Girl", at Igor Goryachev and Nina Kucher translation into Russian.

2018 Jan 21 Su
·     It is appeared the Satprem's book
"Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 13
at Igor Goryachev and Nina Kucher translation into Russian.

2018 Jan 21 Su
·     It is appeared the Sujata's book
"Little drawings of my sweet", Vol 1 at Igor Goryachev and Nina Kucher translation into Russian.

2017 Sept 29 Fr
·     It is appeared the Satprem's book
"Memories Patagonien" at Igor Goryachev and Nina Kucher translation into Russian.

2017 Aug 30 We
·     It is appeared the two Satprem's books
"Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 11,
"Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 12
at Igor Goryachev and Nina Kucher translation into Russian.

2017 Apr 15 Sa
·   It appeared the translations of Sri Aurobindo's poems into Russian by Anna Tchurikova (2 poems).

2017 Feb 25 Sa
·   It appeared uncomplete (60%) Sri Aurobindo's poem "Ilion"
in translation into Russian by Leonid Ovanesbekov.

2016 Dec 03 Sa
·     It is appeared the Satprem's book
"Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 10,
at Igor Goryachev and Nina Kucher translation into Russian.

2017 Jan 14 Sa
·     It is appeared the Satprem's book
"Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 2,
at Sergey Andreev translation into Russian.

2016 Nov 06 Su
·   At Leonid Ovanesbekov's second translation of the Sri Aurobindo's poem "Savitri" updated cantoes from 2-11 to 4-4.
At first translation updated canto 4-4.

2016 Nov 04 Fr
·   It is appeared the Satprem's book
"Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 9,
at Igor Goryachev and Nina Kucher translation into Russian.

2016 Jun 19 Su
·   It is appeared the Satprem's book
"Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 4,
at Igor Goryachev and Nina Kucher translation into Russian.

2016 Apr 16 Sa
·   It is appeared the Satprem's book "The Doel Bird" ("L'Oiseau Doël") at Alexander Steklyannikov translation into Russian

2015 Dec 06 Su
·   It is appeared the Satprem's book
"Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 3 (full text),
at Igor Goryachev and Nina Kucher translation into Russian.

2015 Mar 29 Su
·   It is appeared the Satprem's books:
"Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 5,
"Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 6,
"Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 7,
"Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book 8,
at Igor Goryachev and Nina Kucher translation into Russian.

2014 Oct 10
·   Sri Aurobindo's poem "Savitri", second translation of Leonid Ovanesbekov,
is publishing in the Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc. and is accessed for orders:

2013 Dec 07 Sa
·   It is appeared the Purani's book "Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo", vol 1 and vol 2, in translation into Russian.
Copied from

2013 Mar 09 Sa
·   It is appeared the Mother's book "Questions and Answers", 1955, at Sergey Shebarshov's translation into Russian.

2013 Sept 02 Mo
· It appeared web-site, the mirror-site of the

2013 Mar 09 Sa
·   It is appeared English text of Sri Aurobindo's poem "Savitri" in FB2 format.

2013 Jan 07 Mo
·   It is appeared the Sethna's memo "The Passing of Sri Aurobindo"
in translation into Russian.

2012 Oct 03 Sa
·   It is appeared the Nirodbaran's book "Twelve years with Sri Aurobindo"
in translation into Russian by Sergey Andreev.

2012 May 28 Mo
·   It appeared Golden Futuris's translations into Russian of the Sri Aurobindo's book The Mother.

2012 Feb 29 We
·  Two new books (VII, VIII) was added at
Leonid Ovanesbekov's second translation of the Sri Aurobindo's poem "Savitri"

2011 Oct 01 Su
·   It appeared Sergey Shebarshov's translations of the Sri Aurobindo's
book-compilation "The Riddle Of The World".

2011 Sept 09 Fr
·   It appeared Sergey Shebarshov's translations of the Mother's book
into Russian Questions and Answers, 1956".

2011 Sept 04 Su
·  Two new cantos (6-1, 6-2) was added at
Leonid Ovanesbekov's second translation of the Sri Aurobindo's poem "Savitri"

2011 Jun 08 We
·  Five new cantos (from 4-3 to 5-3) was added at
Leonid Ovanesbekov's second translation of the Sri Aurobindo's poem "Savitri"

2011 June 02 Th
·   It appeared Mother's book "On Thoughts And Aphorisms", vol 10,
translation into Russian by "Selfpublish" / Alexander Steklyannikov.
·   Sri Aurobindo's book "Thoughts and Aphorisms",
in translation into Russian by Volamur refashioned into new format.

2011 May 25 We
·   It appeared Satprem's book "The Gold Washer", translation into Russian.

2011 Mar 19 Sa
·   It appeared Mother's Agenda, Vol 12 and 13, in Igor Savenkov's translation into Russian.

2011 Jan 23 Su
·   It appeared the Satprem's book "The Legend of the Future".
in A. Steklyannikov, A. Matroskina's translations into Russian.

2010 Apr 24 Sa
·   By efforts of our reader it appeared the complete translation of
Satprem's book "On the Way to Supermanhood" ("La Genese Du Surhomme")
in translations of unknown author into Russian.

2010 Jan 16 Sa
·   It appeared the Sri Aurobindo's essays book "From Man to Superman".
in Sergey Shebarshov's translations into Russian.

2009 Dec 13 Su
·   It is finished Book 2 of Sri Aurobindo's poem "Savitri"
in translation by Leonid Ovanesbekov.

2009 Nov 30 Su
·   It appeared the Satprem's book "Notebooks of an Apocalypse"
Book III, partial, in translation into Russian by Igor Goriachev.
·   It appeared the Kireet Joshi's book "Satprem and Sujata Tributes"
in translation into Russian by Sergey Andreev.

2009 Nov 15 Su
·   It appeared the book-compilation
from a few vols of Satprem's book "Notebooks of an Apocalypse"
in translation into Russian by Igor Goriachev.

2009 Nov 11 We
·   It appeared the beginning of Sri Aurobindo's poem "Ilion"
in translation into Russian by Igor Goriachev.

2009 Oct 10 Sa
·   It appeared the Sri Aurobindo's "Essays Divine and Human"
in incomplete translation into Russian by Leonid Ovanesbekov.

2009 Oct 04 Su
·   It appeared the Sri Aurobindo's stage play "Eric"
in translation into Russian by Igor Goriachev.

2009 Sept 20 Su
·   It appeared the Sri Aurobindo's early book "Yoga and its Objects"
in translation into Russian by by V.G.Baranov and A.A.Shevchenko.

2009 Sept 07 Mo
·   It appeared the Sri Aurobindo's stage play "Perseus The Deliverer"
in translation into Russian by Igor Goriachev.

2009 June 12 Sa
·   On the web-site was appeared
Sri Aurobindo, "The Mother", audio book, Mother reads on it in English.

2009 May 16 Sa
·   It appeared full Sergey Shebarshov's translations of the Mother's book
into Russian Questions and Answers, 1957-1958".
It also can be viewed in the translator's web-site

2009 Mar 09 Mo
·   It is appeared section "Various".
·   In the section "Various" it is appeared Photo session from Auroville.
·   The Mother and Sri Aurobindo's book-compilation "Psychic Being"
transformed from plain text format to Word format and HTML format.
·   In the rhythmical-semantic Ovanesbekov's translation of "Savitri"
was edited canto 1-4 and added canto 2-10.

2008 Dec 07 Su
·   New Mother's book "Questions and Answers, 1957-1958",
in translation into Russian by Sergey Shebarshov
becomes accessible on the web-site

2008 Feb 10 Su
·   Audio tape records of talks Mother with Satprem,
by which The Mother's Agenda was written
becomes accessible on the web-site

2008 Feb 09 Sa
·   Web-site of Sri Aurobindo's Ashram had opened for free usage
original texts of Sri Aurobindo's and The Mother's writings
in PDF format:

2007 Jan 28 Su
·   It appeared second, rythmical-semantic Leonid Ovanesbekov's translation of
of Sri Aurobindo's poem "Savitri" into Russian, first 6 cantos, near 15%.

The translation was made by formula:
(1) rhytmic metre: iambus
(2) within the framework of (1) as near to original semantic as possible
  (2a) sometimes for rhytm was addes secondary words,
  then absent in the original text
(3) sometimes, within the framework of (1) and (2)
some lines of fragments are made on the level of poetic translation (3) if I can without breaking semantic accuracy
to raise translation of single lines of fragments
up to level of "poetic" translation, I consider it as a luck.
If there was the collision "semantic accuracy" -/- "poetry",
then priority was given to "semantic accuracy".

· Cantos 4-1 - 7-1 were reedited.

2006 July 02 Su
·   Now it is finished the translation of Part Four, Book Two of the
Sri Aurobindo's book "Letters On Yoga"
in translation from English into Russian by Sergey Shebarshov
in Word format.

Also it appeared text of the Part Four, Book Two in English;
both texts, original and translation have a page numbers
from original book for correspondence in reading.

2006 Apr 26 We
·   Now the literary Ovanesbekov's translationl into Russian of
Sri Aurobindo's poem "Savitri",

The translation was made by formula:
(1) as close to original meanings as possible
(2а) if it has a good form in Russian,
then I made almost "word-by-word" translation:
almost all words were leaves on its places as in original text,
for this translation can be tool for English text reading
(2б) if the text by language constucrions
was too different from Russian language structure,
then I give to myself the sanction to translate "by means"
and to do the translation more literary

· Cantos 2-9 - 3-2 were reedited.

2006 Mar 26 Su
·   Now the translation into Russian of
Satprem's book "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book I
was completed and placed as the whole book.
(It is a sequel of the Mother's "Agenda" books.)
This translation from English was made by Sergey Andreev.

2006 Feb 25 Sa
·   It appeared translation of Part Four, Book Two of the Sri Aurobindo's book "Letters On Yoga"
in translation from English into Russian by Sergey Shebarshov
in Word format.

2005 Nov 11 Mo
·   It appeared the book of Satprem and Luc Venet "Life Without Death"
in translation from English into Russian by Sergey Shebarshov
in Word format.
·   New chapters in "Notebooks of an Apocalypse".

2005 Sep 22 Th
·   It appeared the 70% of translation into Russian of
Satprem's book "Notebooks of an Apocalypse", Book I in Word format.
(It is a sequel of the Mother's Agenda books.)
This translation from English was made by Sergey Andreev.

2005 Aug 11 Th
·   It appeared the set of books-compilations
composed by Vijey, "Yogi in everyday life" in Word format.
This translation from English was made by Sergey Filchikov.

2005 July 13 We
·   It appeared the translations of Sri Aurobindo's poems into Russian by Gleb Nesterov (123 poems).
This text was made as Word-doc copy of poems from
Gleb Nesterov's original web-site
We added English proection with page-to-page correspondence for erasy compearing.
It is "versioned text": Word-text is the copy on 2005 Jun 29,
and can be older than texts on the original site.

·   It appeared the translations of Sri Aurobindo's poems into Russian by Leonid Ovanesbekov (68 poems)
It is "versioned text": we can add new items into it in future.

2005 July 08 Fr
·   It appeared compilation of Sri Aurobindo's poems in English, in HTML and Word format.
It is "versioned text": we can add new items into it in future.
This compilation has 158 poems now.

·   We added a new chapter -- "Art of devotees" for poems, novels and pictures of Integral Yoga devotees.
First item in this chapter -- the works of Nikolay Kletsov.

2005 June 10 Fr
·   It appeared once more translation of the Mother's book Tales of all Times
in Word format.
Translation into Russian by G.I.Mikhailov.

·   We added cantoes 9-2, 10-1 "Savitri" in translation by Ovenesbekov L.G.,
was edited cantoes 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7.
This translation is — "versioned" text,
i.e. various cantoes pemanently are editing
and renewed often without notes in "News".
Contents of this translations has a date of last edition for every canto.

2005 Mar 13 Su
·   It appeared in translation Sujata's book
Mother's Chronicles, Book 1, "Mirra"
in HTML and Word format.
This translation from English was made by Sergey Andreev.

2005 Feb 21 Mo
·   It appeared the Satprem's book "Mother, or Divine Materialism", (1976)
in Word format (First part of the Satprem's trilogy).
This translation from French into Russian
was made by general edition of S.V.Reenetnko.

·   It appeared the new Word format of the Satprem's book "Mother, or The New Species", (1976).
(Second part of the Satprem's trilogy).
This translation into Russian was made by Igor Savenkov.

2004 Nov 29 Mo
·   It appeared in translation from English into Russian
Mother's book-compilation "Prayers and Meditations", (1912-1937) in Word format.
This translation was made partially by a group from Ekaterinburg,
partially by O.Safronov.

2004 Oct 21 Th
·   It appeared full translation of the book Mother, "Agenda", Vol 6,
in translation from French into Russian of Igor Savenkov

·   It appeared full translation of the book Mother, "Agenda", Vol 7,
in translation from French into Russian of Igor Savenkov

·   It appeared full translation of the book Mother, "Agenda", Vol 8,
in translation from French into Russian of Igor Savenkov

·   It appeared full translation of the book Mother, "Agenda", Vol 9,
in translation from French into Russian of Igor Savenkov

2004 Oct 06 We
·   It appeared translation from English into Russian by Sergey Andreev
Satprem's book "The Sannyasin" in html and word formats.

2004 Aug 15 Su
·   It appeared full translation of the book Mother, "Agenda", Vol 4,
in translation from French into Russian of Igor Savenkov

·   It appeared full translation of the book Mother, "Agenda", Vol 5,
in translation from French into Russian of Igor Savenkov

·   It appeared the book Satprem, "Mother, or Death Mutation", Vol 3 of trilogy,
in translation from French into Russian under ed. S.V.Reentenko

2004 Jan 19 Mo
·   It appeared translation into Russian by D.Zaseda
Sujata's book "Mother's Chronicles",
Book 3, "Mirra The Occultist" in word format.

2004 Jan 18 Su
·   It appeared 2nd, improved edition for Mother's Agenda Volume 13 (from English into Russian).
  The translation done by Sergey Andreev.
· Agenda, volume 12 of this translation was reformatted a little for decrease size of zip-file.

2004 Jan 02 Fr
·   Reedited translation into Russian of Books 1, 2, 3 and added translation of Books 4, 5, 6 of
Sri Aurobindo's poem "Savitri"
in HTML format. Translation of Ovanesbekov L.G.

2003 Nov 19 We
·   Reedited translation into Russian of Books 1, 2, 3 and added translation of Books 4, 5, 6 of
Sri Aurobindo's poem "Savitri"
in Word format. Translation of Ovanesbekov L.G.

2003 Nov 18 Tu
·   It appeared Sri Aurobindo's book "The Mother" having three parts:
the paper "The Mother", collection of "Letter about The Mother" and "Prayers and Meditations".
Translation into Russian by Oleg Safroniv, the text was given by author of translation.
In Word format.

·   It appeared Mother's book "On Education"
Translation into Russian by Oleg Safroniv, the text was given by author of translation.
In Word format.

2003 Nov 03 Mo
·   It appeared 2nd, improved edition for Mother's Agenda Volume 12 (from English into Russian).
  The translation done by Sergey Andreev.

2003 Sept 24 We
·   It appeared translation of Sri Aurobindo's book The Foundation of Indian Culture into Russian at Word format.   The translation done by M.L.Salganik, V.S.Kostyuchenko.

2003 Sept 12 Fr
·   It appeared translation of Sri Aurobindo's book The Human Cycle into Russian at Word format.   The translation done by Andrey Shevchenko.

2003 Aug 18 Mo
·   It appeared once more translation of Mother's Agenda Volume 12 (from English into Russian) at Word2000 format.   The translation done by Sergey Andreev.

2003 Aug 15 Fr
·   It appeared full translation of Mother's Agenda Volume 13 (from English into Russian) at Word2000 format.   The translation done by Sergey Andreev.

2003 Aug 11 Mo
·   Added Satprem's book "The Tragedy of the Earth" in Russian from English translation by Sergey Andreev, in Word2000 format.

2003 Jun 21 Sa
·   Added Mother's book "Questions and Answers, 1930-1931" in Russian translation, in Word2000 format.

2003 June 18 We
·   We correct the error: Translations of the book Pavitra, "Talks with Sri Aurobindo" as it revealed was done not by S.Snegur, but by S.Burda and V.Danchenko.
  Author of the translation said us about and inform about new, reworked version of his translation placed at the web-site   We place HTML-version of new translation of the book and change the title name onto "Sri Aurobindo. Conversations avec Pavitra".
·   Added once more book of Pavitra with translation into Russian -- Pavitra, "Talks Sri Aurobindo and Mother with Pavitra"

2003 Apr 28 Mo
·   Added last 4 chapters of Sri Aurobindo's book "The Life Divine" in Russian translation, in HTML format.

2003 Feb 19 We
·   Added Sri Aurobindo's book "The Mother" in original Enlish, in HTML format.

2002 Oct 31 Th
·   Added Mother's book "About Dhammapada" in Russian translation, in Word format.

2002 Oct 29 Tu
·   Added Sri Aurobindo's book "Yogic Sadhana" in English, in Word format.

2002 Sept 04 We
·   At the "Links" page was added list of links sorted by domain names.

2002 Aug 26 Mo
·   Updated text of Sre Aurobindo's poem "Savitri" in translation into Russian by Ovanesbekov L.G.:
Cantoes 1-1, 1-2, 3-4 was reedited, added Book III in HTML format.

2002 Aug 07 We
·   Added Satprem's book "The Mind of Cells" in translation into Russian bu V.P.Gorodkov, in Word6 format.

2002 Aug 01 Th
·   Added Pavitra's book "Talks with Sri Aurobindo" in translation into Russian by S.N.Snegur in Word format.

2002 July 29 Mo
·   Added M.R. Pandit compilation book Glossary of terms from Sri Aurobindo's works in translation into Russian by A.L. Klimov.

2002 May 05 Su
·   Added Sri Aurobindo's book The Mother in translation into Russian by V.G. Baranov and A.A. Shevchenko.
·   Added starting page/contents for English text of Sri Aurobindo's "Savitri".

2002 Apr 29 Mo
·   We had changed the sesign of service pages.
·   Added start page.
·   The Sri Aurobindo's book, "The Psychic Being" (in Russian) transformed into simplest html format.

2002 Apr 24 We
·   To Savitri' translation into Russian by Ovanesbekov Added Canto 1-3, 1-4, 1-5 in html and word6 formats and Book III in word6 format.
·   Files at picture/ directory are renamed.
·   We are deleting all files with non Windows-1251 coding (*.alt.html, *.lat.html, *.koi8.html, *.iso5.html).

2002 Apr 03 We
·   All *.doc-files replaced into the * or *
·   We have decided did not support the CP-866 (DOS) and ISO-5 Russian coding.

2002 Mar 27 We
·   After a hardware trouble and long attempt install anew Linux and studying how to force it work well [2 months :O( ], our web-site work again.
·   We refashion the names of zip-files at the zip/ directory; to pack all word-doc files into zip-files with new names.
·   Fortunately our mirror at the http://members/ stopped.

2001 Oct 30 Tu
·   It is appeared the 11th volume of Mother's Agenda at the web-site

2001 Aug 15 We
·   Added translation into Russian of Canto 2-14, 2-15 for Sri Aurobindo, "Savitri"

2001 Jun 09 Sa
·   In the Links page were added 1 new link:

2001 Apr 23 Mo
·   Appeared the book -- Sri Aurobindo, "The Human Cycle",
in English.
·   In the Links page were added 2 new links:

2001 Apr 09 Mo
·   Appeared the book-compilation -- Sri Aurobindo, "Bases of Yoga",
in English and in translation into Russian by Igor Savenkov.
·   Appeared the book of Sri Aurobindo, "The Ideal of Human Unity",
in translation by Oleg Safronov.

In the Links page were added 3 new links:

2001 Apr 04 We
·   Appeared the book-compilation -- Sri Aurobindo, Mother, "Psychic Being",
in translation into Russian by Igor Savenkov and Oleg Safronov.
·   Appeared book Satprem, "The Revolt of the Earth".
·   Added translation of Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, Book II, Cantos 11-13 into Russian by Leonid Ovanesbekov.

2001 Mar 21 We
·   To chapter "other ways" added Dzhiddu Krishnamurti' book "About the most important (Talks with David Bohm)," translation into Russian by T.Bogatyreva.

2001 Mar 16 Fr
·   Appeared "Dictionary of Savitri", made by Rand Hicks in translation into Russian.

2001 Mar 11 Su
·   Mother's Agenda in English had appeared at the

2001 Feb 20 Tu

Dear readers!
Sorry, the I.R.E. has derivative copyrights on the Agenda text
and General Secretary of I.R.E., Mdm Micheline Etevenon
demand to delete whole English text of Agenda
from our web-site (and any place of Internet).
It is a big grief for me to move
this miraculous text
of our sweet adorable Mother
from wide-accessible http-space,
but I feel that must to obey now.
If you have a some ask about,
please e-mail me,
Webmaster of this site, Leonid Ovanesbekov

2001 Feb 12 Mo
·   Added 8 new links to LINKS page.

2001 Feb 05 Mo
·   A.Anikin has sent the text of the book-compilation Mother, "The Sunlit Path" in translation into Russian of A. Tsvetov. We placed it in html, xml, doc, pdf formats.
·   After the e-mailing with M.Etevenon she agree to back again only one Russian translation of the Satprem' book "Neanderthal Looks On".

2000 Dec 28 Fr
·   By demand of Micheline Etevenon (General Secretary of I.R.E.) were removed both translations of the Satprem' book "Neanderthal Looks On". :-(

2000 Nov 08 We
·   Added Book 1 and Book 2: chapters 1-11 of the Sri Aurobindo' book "The Synthesis of Yoga" in Russian.

2000 Oct 16 Mo
·   Added the chapter LINKS.

2000 Oct 05 Th
·   It appeared the mirror at the host --
A great thanks to NBCi for this excellent possibility.

2000 Oct 05 Th
·   Added part of the Sri Aurobindo' book "The Synthesis of Yoga" in Russian.

2000 Sept 26 Tu
·   Find and correct many little spells at Russian version of the Sri Aurobindo' book "The Life Divine".

2000 Aug 30 We
·   Correct spells at Russian version of the "Dao De Dzin" in the chapter "Other ways".

2000 July 17 Mo
·   Added Word 6 and HTML English version of paper Mother, "A Talk of the Mother on 'Savitri'".
·   Added HTML version of short paper Satprem, "The Great Sense", translation from French into Russian T.V.Movchan.
·   Added HTML version of short paper Satprem, "Sri Aurobindo and the Future of Earth", translation from French into Russian T.V.Movchan.

2000 July 14 Fr
·   Added HTML version of Sri Aurobindo "The Life Divine" in English.
·   Added new version (by form) of Sri Aurobindo "Yogic Sadhana" in Russian.
·   Added new book Satprem, "Neanderthal Regarde" in Russian and English at word 6 format.

2000 June 27 We
·   Added original English text of Sri Aurobindo "The Life Divine" at Word6 format.
This text was scanned, recognized, spell-checked, formatted for Word and HTML (to be continued).
·   Changes at Ovanesbekov' translation of Savitri.

2000 Feb 29 Tu
·   Added html-index to zip directory for more comfort.
·   Some changes at Ovanesbekov' translation of Savitri. Because this translation has many little events, for clearing this Chronology all news about that moved in separate file Sri_Aurobindo/Savitri.erO/etc/History.html

2000 Feb 04 Fr
·   Now our web-site has domain name
I hope that it is last change.
·   Igor Savenkov finished translation of the Satprem' book "La Genese Du Surhomme" ("On the Way to Supermanhood" in English). Placed a while in word6 format.
·   Added Ovanesbekov' translation of Savitri, Book II, Canto 7

2000 Feb 01 Tu
·   Mirror at Pereslavl-Zalessky stop work. :-(
·   Added Ovanesbekov' translation of Savitri, Book I, Canto 1-2 and Book II, Canto 6

2000 Jan 10 Mo
·   Domain name stop exist. Now it changed onto
·   Added HTML version of the Satprem' 1998 book "La Clef des Contes" ("Fairy Cleft" in English)

1999 Dec 17 Fr
·   Added two uncompleted version of translation the Satprem' book "La Genese Du Surhomme" ("On the Way to Supermanhood" in English) of Igor Savenkov and unknown author in word6 format.
· becomes a full every-week mirror for
Before are copied only zip-files.

1999 Dec 08 We
·   Added the Satprem' "Gringo" in unknown translation into Russian from self-published version, in HTML and Word6 formats.

1999 Nov 16 Tu
·   Added the Sri Aurobindo' "Thoughts and Aphorisms" in Volamur' translation into Russian, in HTML and Word6 formats.

1999 Nov 03 We
·   Added the Sujata' Mother's Chronicles, Book 3, "Mirra The Occultist" in English in word6 format.

1999 Oct 26 Tu
·   Added the Sri Aurobindo' Thoughts and Aphorisms in English in word6 format.

1999 Oct 12 Tu
·   Set as mirror for

1999 Oct 04 Mo
·   Added HTML version of the Sri Aurobindo' "Yogic Sadhana" in translation into Russian.
Sri Aurobindo refused from authority of this book, pointed that this text was written in period of his experiment with automatic writing, and that this text did not reflect his own viewpoint, but the viewpoint of a some strong Yogi, who now is dead and exist in another plane.

1999 Sept 27 Mo
·   Added HTML version of the Sri Aurobindo' The Synthesis of Yoga in English.

1999 Sept 23 Th
·   Added Savenkov' Russain translation from French for one of the last Satprem' book -- La Clef des Contes as word6 file.

1999 Sept 15 We
·   Added Sri Aurobindo' "Letters on Yoga" Vol 2 in English and in Dmitriev' translation into Russian.
Dmitriev have made an original version of HTML formatting, but this formatting too closely linked with other his files and the index file of his web-site, that I decide did not edit his HTML files, but simply put them as zip file.
·   Added 2 lections of Sri Bhattachardji Gopal in translation into Russian.
·   Added translation of the Book 2 Canto 5 of Savitri into Ovanesbekov' translation.

1999 Sept 13 Mo
·   Added English version of the Sri Aurobindo paraphrase/translation of the Bhagavat-Gita text as in html-form, as in word6 file.

1999 Sept 03 Fr
·   Added English version of the Satprem' book On the Way to Supermanhood in word6-zip file. This book was cited in Agenda, vol 12, by Mother as an important work.

1999 July 16 Fr
·   Added new parts of Agenda ' translation into Russian: from 1970 May to 1971 February.
·   Almost full text of Agenda in English (besides Vol 11) in html and word form at zip/ directory
·   Full text of Sri Aurobindo' The Synthesis of Yoga in English.
·   Savitri, Book 2 Canto 4 translated into Russian by Ovanesbekov added as zip file.

1999 June 16 We
·   All catalogues presented in packed zip-file form at the zip/ directory. Partial references on to packed files deleted from Contents.

1999 June 08 Tu
·   Added: Kena Upanishad, Isha Upanishad, Aitareya Upanishad in translation of Sri Aurobindo, in English and in Russian translation as HTML text and as Word documents.

1999 May 26 We
·   Added: Sri Aurobindo, "Life Divine" in Russian translation as HTML text.

1999 May 21 Fr
·   Added: synchrone Russian translation of Leonid Ovanesbekov some part of Savitri
(book 2, cantoes 1-3), in HTML.

1999 May 13 We
·   Added: Sri Aurobindo, "The Problem of Rebirth", in Russian.
This text was copied from the,
and redesigned into one whole HTML text.
Great thank you to web-site!

1999 May 12 We
·   Added: Sri Aurobindo, "The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth", in Russian.
This text was copied from the,
and redesigned into one whole HTML text.
Great thank you to web-site!

1999 May 12 We
·   Added: Mother, "Tales of All Times", designed in HTML

1999 Apr 27 Tu
·   Added: Chapters 3 - 13 of Book 1 English text The Synthesis of Yoga

1999 Apr 23 Fr
·   Added: synchrone Russian translation of Leonid Ovanesbekov some part of Savitri
(book 2, cantoes 1-3), as packed Word6 file.

1999 Apr 20 Tu
·   Added: Lao Czy, "Dao De Dzin" in Russian translation as HTML.
Copied from

1999 Apr 12 Mo
·   Added: Mother, "Tales of All Times" in Russian translation as packed ASCII text.

1999 Apr 06 Tu
·   Added: Sri Aurobindo, "Life Divine" in Russian translation as packed ASCII text.

Start page
Collection of materials on Integral Yoga
e-mail: Leonid Ovanesbekov <>